Wednesday 30 September 2015

Pinball: Project Proposal

I wanted to get some practice in writing proposal documents for likes of funding applications. It's possible I'll look into these things for the MA project so this can be used as a starting point.


I'm interested in the digital presence in the physical world, games and play as art (in the artists making process, and interactivity for the viewer). These ideas led me to pinball, which I have been thoroughly researching, playing and making work in response to over the past year.

  • The medium of arcade games and play - specifically pinball
  • The relationship between digital and physical objects. How does a digital object translate to physical
  • There’s something I need to explore more with memories. Memories creating these objects via a digital space? Memories create the artwork? The artwork is the object?


  1. Self directed body of work for a group exhibition - based on previous research & practice
  2. Explore ways to articulate, test, evaluate and execute concepts quicker and more efficiently
  3. Create more refined finished work - suitable for exhibiting
  4. Invest time into learning new digital skills - increase employability
  5. A shareable project to gain exposure for ongoing work + exhibitions, particularly online


The project has three sections - which will likely have crossovers.

I'm setting myself some pretty clear goals to start out with, I'm hoping setting some boundaries will allow me to work purely creatively. However the outcomes are totally flexible, keeping in mind to achieve what I want to this year, I need to focus.

Pinball Machine

Physical & digital versions of a pinball machine. Build a simple version to capture the essence of pinball as an interactive installation and digital game.

Physically I will use existing pinball parts which control the traditional steel ball along with something (likely screen based) within the machine. However I don’t want it to be entirely screen based. I hope to achieve an installation that appeals to multiple sensory organs and provides a reason to physically experience the artworks.

The digital game may sit alongside, or separately as a game online accessible via smartphone. It’s possible it could speak to the physical version in some way.

Prints & Mini Print

A playground for the direction + style of my work.

3D sketchbook to visualise ideas digitally to help plan and communicate more effectively. Gamifying the sketching process?

  • Repetition - in the printmaking process + the nature of playing pinball
  • Observational & memory - records of thoughts or moments
  • Not restrained to a particular process - expand on skills I already have

Marble Run

An extra idea - if time allows. Alternatively it could be incorporated to the pinball machine (example see Marbelous table - where the marble run feeds into the pinball machine.

Kinetic sculpture integrated into my exhibition space. Repetitive / captivating / fun. site specific, playful installations


  1. Review - 14/1/16
  2. Degree Show - 1/6/16


  • Santander Bursaries
  • Grants for the arts - Arts Council

I wanted to get some practice in writing proposal documents for likes of funding applications. It's possible I'll look into these things for the MA project so this can be used as a starting point.

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